Training on personality and culture

The trainings and talks I offer are designed to help people and organizations better understand themselves and others and work better together. Please get in touch to discuss the possibilities.

Personality and Culture

Many companies experience misunderstandings between employees. Is it because the team consists of people form different cultures? Or because they have different personalities? Too often, one or the other is assumed. But they are deeply intertwined.

a woman holding a candle by the pool

Intercultural Awareness

How does culture influence what employees of your organization do and think? Trainings about intercultural awareness will help participants to navigate differences by becoming more aware of the pervasive and omnipresent influence of culture.

Personality Training

woman in red hoodie jacket with blue yellow and green paint on face


Unlock the power of your team

Four colors for better teams: it is for good reason that DISC is the most popular personality assessment in corporate environments.

woman with smeared eyes in studio

The Enneagram of Personality

Unlock the power of self-awareness

Enneagram training sessions, individually or in groups, allow a deep dive into different personalities and their motivations for behavior.

Culture-Specific Training

ornamental ceiling of islam medieval mosque with arched windows

Middle East and North Africa

Living and working in the MENA region

The Arab world includes such a vast array of different places and people, that it is hard to speak of one culture. Yet, there are many central themes and concepts. And they are essential to understand for any non-Arab living or working in this part of the world.

red tulips field

Dutch Culture

Living and working in the Netherlands

From my experience working with expats in the Netherlands, I know how valuable training about the values in Dutch society and culture can be. With a background in political sciences, I also offer trainings and talks on the Dutch political system.


For inquiries, please contact me using the below form.